A wip of the Gotrek i'll use for a small diorama (and probably a entry in a local open tbh) #MiniaturePainting
A wip of the Gotrek i'll use for a small diorama (and probably a entry in a local open tbh) #MiniaturePainting
A rescued Boneripper being used as a Hell Pit Abomination proxy for The Old World.
Really wanted to push my colour vibrancy for this one, basing the cloth with a way brighter colour than I normally use.
The model was missing two arm connections, so I sculpted one, and used a handful of 5e skaven clanrats spears I had lying around for the other.
Sculpting job is ok at best, but it works… I think.
#HobbyStreak day 1213
School #WarhammerAlliance - lots of running around while getting a bunch of really passive bastards off their phones and onto making #Frostgrave warbands.
Taught them how to do a #zenithal primer and follow that with #Vallejo #ExpressPaints for quick results, and how to apply basing sand.
In the meantime I painted the basis of a dwarven airship for #ageofsigmar
Made some good progress on these Monsta-Killaz today. The big fella has soooo many details.
Other than the jewel-gloss technical paints, the mount is done! On to "Red" the rider of "Big B" the wolf.
I finally finished Asurmen, in between my tiredness and all the stuff i need to do; but i'm really happy with the final result #MiniaturePainting
Completely skipped posting the priming step and I've jumped into painting. I'm kind of skipping around on this model instead of doing all base colors, all layers, etc.. Instead, I got the fur to where I liked it because I knew there would be a lot of drybrushing involved and now I've moved on to base colors for the rest. I'm stopping here for the night, but I'm happy with the progress.
Old school metal Citadel giant I repainted, again for my Orcs and Goblins Tribes army for The Old World.
And with freehanded petroglyph-inspired tattoos of course!
Just started repainting my old Orcs and Goblins army for the Old World and I'm already loving it
Tested out the John Blanche paint set from the Army Painter by painting up this Plague Marine. I'm really happy with how it came out, and I can say the new paints are 100 times better than the old ones!
Green-stuff work is done, and I think if I do more gribblies I'll overload the model, so I think we're calling this character done. On to painting to get ready for the local GW's Ravaged Coast campaign starting in a few weeks!
Painted up this necromancer from the latest Scibor kickstarter. While I love much of the official Warhammer stuff, I want to show off more non-GW minis. There are a lot of small companies making great stuff that doesn’t get enough attention.