Decentralized social media powered by Mastodon
This server is dedicated to makers, so that the Local and Federated views help us discover new people and organizations that each other are interested in, replacing The Algorithm with connections with friends, new and old.
To join us here, please join Maker Forums Discourse and participate in the forums. The forums are where our community got its start! Please use the same username on Discourse and here on Maker Forums Social.
Here on social, our community standards are different from those on the forum. Share about whatever you are up to or thinking about—we're not restricted to making-related topics here! Do not use your social account here solely for commercial purposes, do not attack each other, keep what you share family-friendly. But unless you want to engage in "mature" content, attack people, or post only commercial content, you can post here anything you would share on, say, Twitter. You are welcome to make this your home in the fediverse.
We reserve the right to moderate here, but make no specific promises to moderate consistently. We ask that you keep your activities here family-friendly just as we do on the forum. We recognize that in using this site you cannot be responsible for the content produced by people you follow. However, we may choose at our own discretion to use site moderation to keep mature content out of the local view. We request that if you wish to engage in conversations that might reasonably be appropriately limited to adult audiences, you use another Mastodon server on which such topics are considered appropriate for those conversations.
This server is primarily operated by @mcdanlj as part of Maker Forums. It runs in a secured data center, and is backed up using encrypted backups to a remote site on a scheduled basis (currently hourly; at least daily). It is run as a gratis service. We intend to run this service indefinitely, and will make reasonable efforts to provide at least three months of notice should we ever decide or need to shut down this service.
If you have a email address, registrations using those addresses are not allowed, because they refuse to accept non-commercial email. Instead, use a functional email provider. Several are available for free.