An Article in the Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics on Turbulence by KR Sreenivasan and J Schumacher
What is the turbulence problem, and when can we say it’s solved?
This deep dive by Sreenivasan & Schumacher explores the math, physics, and engineering challenges of turbulence—from Navier-Stokes equations to intermittency and beyond. A must-read for anyone fascinated by chaos, complexity, and the unsolved mysteries of fluid dynamics! 
A summary of the talk presented by KR Sreenivasan in December 2023 at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR) in Bengaluru, as part of a program on field theory and turbulence.
"Field Theory and Turbulence" program link:
#FluidDynamics #Physics #NavierStokes #UnsolvedMystery #Mechanics #Dynamics #FluidMechanics #Science #Chaos #TurbulentMotion #Randomness #Chaotic #Fluid #ClassicalMechanics