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K. Ryabitsev
Everyone, when picking laptops: "what's the resolution, battery life, RAM?"

Me, when picking laptops: "I just want the 'fn', '\' and '~' buttons in some sane place and a touchpad with good palm recognition that wont make the cursor jump all over the place when I type."

@monsieuricon Keyboard layout, and physical buttons on the trackpad, are together why I have a thinkpad instead of a @frameworkcomputer today. None of the "hack a thinkpad keyboard and trackpad into a" projects have gone anywhere, as far as I can tell.

Bill Nottingham

@mcdanlj yup, if framework offered a trackpoint for the 13", I would immediately buy one. But 23 years of input habit is hard to break.

Michael K Johnson

@notting Whereas if lenovo offered a keyboard for the T series without a trackpoint, I'd remove the distracting nub...☺


@notting @mcdanlj that is one of three reasons I didn't immediately get one. Trackpoint+Buttons, Touchscreen and the number of ports on the 13" model.