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Metalwork for the linear amp is going GREAT. First I drilled the wrong hole sizes for the heat sink, then broke two 4-40 taps. Will figure out how to extract these then try a thread forming tap instead of a cutting tap.

#hamradio #amateuradio #electronics

@jmorris FYI: If you boil in alum solution to dissolve the taps as I have, make sure to submerge the whole part — I ended up with a permanent line at the interface of the boiling water that I didn't succeed in polishing out when I dissolved one tap out of a piece of 6160.

@mcdanlj I hadn't heard of that method, interesting!

@jmorris Here's one reference. Can't remember where I first learned the trick though...

It's potentially an all-day process.

Also, besides thread forming taps, have you tried spiral flute taps? I've had good luck with them, particularly ones with polished flutes expressly made for aluminum. Mine are from YG-1.